18 research outputs found

    A Modified K-Means with Naïve Bayes (KMNB) Algorithm for Breast Cancer Classification

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    Breast cancer is a second biggest cause of human death on women. The death rate caused by the breast cancer has been fallen since 1989. This downfall is believed as a result from early diagnose on breast cancer, the awareness uplift on the breast cancer, also a better medical treatment. This research proposes the Modified K-Means Naïve Bayes (KMNB) method on Breast Cancer data. The modification which has been conducted was an additional on initial centroid which has been proposed by Fang. The experiment compared the accuracy of our proposed method with the original KMNB, Original KMean, and K-Means using initial centroid by Fang. Based on the result of the experiment, the accuracy of our proposed method was 95%. The error reduction of our proposed method was about 50% compared to the original KMNB. It can be stated that our proposed method is promising and able to enhance the prediction on Breast Cancer Wisconsin data. On the other hand, the enhancement of prediction result will increase the preventive behavior on society and give a positive impact on the number downfall of breast cancer sufferers

    Aplikasi Greentech International Conference payment and full paper peer-review system

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    Aplikasi Greentech International Conference Payment and Full Paper Peer-Review System merupakan aplikasi yang khusus dibuat untuk penyelenggaraan Greentech International Conference. Aplikasi ini menyediakan proses untuk melakukan pembayaran konferensi maupun publikasi, serta mengunggah dan melakukan tahapan peer-review full paper peserta setelah abstrak dinyatakan diterima. Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi yang terintegrasi dengan Aplikasi Greentech Abstract Submission System yang telah di rilis sebelumnya. Data abstrak yang dinyatakan diterima dari Aplikasi Greentech Abstract Submission System secara otomatis akan didapatkan dan diproses dalam aplikasi ini. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan tahap pembayaran sampai dengan full paper siap terbit

    Aplikasi Greentech International Conference payment and full paper peer-review system

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    Aplikasi Greentech International Conference Payment and Full Paper Peer-Review System merupakan aplikasi yang khusus dibuat untuk penyelenggaraan Greentech International Conference. Aplikasi ini menyediakan proses untuk melakukan pembayaran konferensi maupun publikasi, serta mengunggah dan melakukan tahapan peer-review full paper peserta setelah abstrak dinyatakan diterima. Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi yang terintegrasi dengan Aplikasi Greentech Abstract Submission System yang telah di rilis sebelumnya. Data abstrak yang dinyatakan diterima dari Aplikasi Greentech Abstract Submission System secara otomatis akan didapatkan dan diproses dalam aplikasi ini. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan tahap pembayaran sampai dengan full paper siap terbit

    Usability improvement of public transit application through mental model and user journey

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    Using a mobile application that is featured with local public transit information can greatly improve user action, as well as assisting travelers to have a better experience while taking public transit services. Crowd environment inside a public transit is one of the most frequent causes that lead difficulties to passengers when they engaging their mobile devices to access their apps or in some conditions. Finding crucial information such as stops points and remaining time to interchanges point when switching to another line becomes more difficult in those conditions especially for foreigners who new in a particular region. This study presents the combination of a mental model and a usability approach to construct a user journey map that led to new insights on user's experiences and challenges when utilizing their mobile local transit application. This valuable information is a part of the elicitation process to propose an alternative interaction method to enhance the usability and travel experience of the public transit app. The experimental results indicate that in contrast to the existing mobile transit app, the proposed interface with the utilization of a wearable device could considerably enhance user action when trying to reach the desired location in terms of total time and performance. It implies that the proposed solution, which works through the mental model and user journey is able to intuitively enhance the public transit app usability

    Modul praktikum Pemrograman Web

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    Modul matakuliah Praktikum Pemrograman Web Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

    User experience evaluation of Botani mobile application using user experience questionnaire

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    Saat ini, akses untuk berkonsultasi dengan para ahli pertanian bukanlah hak istimewa yang dimiliki oleh petani. Kombinasi antara teknologi dan pertanian perlu dikembangkan agar memudahkan petani dalam melakukan konsultasi. Botani Mobile Apps merupakan aplikasi berbasis Android yang telah dikembangkan oleh Fakultas Pertanian UB. Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk mempermudah budidaya pertanian para petani. Evaluasi pengalaman pengguna perlu dilakukan untuk mengukur keberhasilan desain produk dan mendapatkan umpan balik pengguna untuk perbaikan lebih lanjut. Metode User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pengalaman pengguna aplikasi BOTANI. Berdasarkan hasil UEQ yang telah dilakukan, 26 pertanyaan yang diajukan memiliki nilai rata-rata lebih dari 1. Setelah mengelompokkan pertanyaan dalam 6 skala UEQ, hasil rata-rata perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa semua skala berada dalam area hijau. Berdasarkan karakteristik UEQ, skor tertinggi adalah untuk kualitas Daya Tarik, Pragmatis, dan Hedonik secara berurutan. Semua hasil dari nilai karakteristik memiliki nilai lebih dari 1. Berdasarkan perhitungan Benchmark, menunjukkan bahwa skala Daya Tarik, Efisiensi, Keandalan, dan Kebaruan memiliki hasil skala yang baik, sementara skala Keterbacaan dan Kebaruan mendapatkan hasil skala di atas rata rata. Berdasarkan semua hasil evaluasi UEQ, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengalaman pengguna pada aplikasi BOTANI baik

    Modul praktikum Pemrograman Web

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    Modul matakuliah Praktikum Pemrograman Web Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

    Usability Evaluation of Mobile-Based Application for Javanese Script Learning Media

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    Indonesian people should actively preserve Indonesian culture. A way to preserve Indonesian culture can be done by using Javanese scripts as a local content subject at elementary to middle school level. In the conventional learning method, almost all teachers teach writing Javanese manuscript with conventional instructional media by using a white board. We proposed a mobile application that can help students to learn how to write Javanese script in attractive way by using their finger. Since this application still in prototype stage, further study and analysis of the usability of this application are necessary to validate the feasibility in real implementation. Usability testing using USE questionnaire had been conducted to find out if application of Javanese script writing can be accepted by users. We give 30 questions about usability to 5 respondents that are familiar with android application. The result show that, the proposed application is acceptable to users in term of Usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning and satisfaction

    Usability evaluation of English learning application base on augmented reality using ISO 9241

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    Augmented Reality (AR) technology is one of the educational applications that may be created. AR is a learning tool that may be used to integrate virtual things or objects into a natural environment to engage in real-time. English is a foreign language that must be learnt. For language assistance, pupils must acquire a sufficient command of vocabulary via reading and listening exercises. Two factors contribute to the ineffectiveness of oral communication: pupils who do not have enough vocabulary knowledge and students who do not know how to employ vocabulary non their spoken language. One of the learning media that has been developed is the AR-based English vocabulary learning application which was developed in early April 2020 to September 2020. This application aims to help elementary school students (6-12 years) in learning English vocabulary. Where in the current learning which is due to the pandemic thus making distance learning. The purpose of this study is to measure the usability of the application whose vocabulary has been developed from three aspects, namely effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction (ISO 9241). The results of the research conducted show that the usability level of this application is 89% effectiveness, 94% efficiency and 91% user satisfaction. So that this learning application can be said to have good usability and can be used as a supporting medium for learning English vocabulary for children aged 6-12 years independentl

    Aplikasi display kehadiran dan kegiatan pimpinan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Aplikasi Display Kehadiran dan Kegiatan Pimpinan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi adalah aplikasi yang dirancang untuk memberikan informasi tentang kehadiran dan aktivitas pimpinan fakultas tersebut pada tiap harinya. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat data kehadiran, jadwal kegiatan, dan berbagai update terkait pimpinan fakultas, seperti dekan atau kepala departemen